Available Metrics

The following metrics are supported by Field Metrics Monitors.


Uniqueness metrics check for duplicates in unique keys like UUIDs, and for changes in cardinality.

MetricDescriptionColumn TypesThreshold Types
Unique (%)Percentage of unique values across all rowsAllManual & ML
Unique (count)Count of unique valuesAllManual


Completeness metrics check for ways that data can be null or otherwise unpopulated.

MetricDescriptionColumn TypesThreshold Types
Null (%)Percentage of rows where value is nullAllManual & ML
Null (count)Count of rows with null valueAllManual
Non-null (count)Count of rows with non-null valueAllManual
Empty string (%)Percentage of rows where the value is an empty stringStringManual & ML
Empty string (count)Count of rows where the value is an empty stringStringManual
All spaces (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is whitespace onlyStringManual & ML
All spaces (count)Count of rows where the text value is whitespace onlyStringManual
NaN (%)Percentage of rows with a value of NaN (Not a Number), meaning the value is undefinedNumericManual & ML
NaN (count)Count of rows with a value of NaN (Not a Number), meaning the value is undefinedNumericManual
"none" or "null" (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a null keyword ("none", "null", "nil", "nothing" or "n/a")StringManual & ML
"none" or "null" (count)Count of rows where the text value is a null keyword ("none", "null", "nil", "nothing" or "n/a")StringManual


Distribution metrics check for shifts in the numeric profile of data.

MetricDescriptionColumn TypesThreshold Types
MeanAverage value across all rowsNumericManual & ML
MedianMedian value across all rowsNumericManual & ML
MinMinimum value across all rowsNumericManual & ML
MaxMaximum value across all rowsNumericManual & ML
20th percentile20th percentile of valuesNumericManual & ML
40th percentile40th percentile of valuesNumericManual & ML
60th percentile60th percentile of valuesNumericManual & ML
80th percentile80th percentile of valuesNumericManual & ML
Zero (%)Percentage rows with value equal to zeroNumericManual & ML
Zero (count)Count of rows with value equal to zeroNumericManual
Negative (%)Percentage of rows that have a negative valueNumericManual & ML
Negative (count)Count of rows that have a negative valueNumericManual
Standard deviationStandard deviation of valuesNumericManual & ML
SumSum of values across all rowsNumericManual
True (%)Percentage of rows where the value is trueBooleanManual & ML
True (count)Count of rows where the value is trueBooleanManual
False (%)Percentage of rows where the value is falseBooleanManual & ML
False (count)Count of rows where the value is falseBooleanManual


Validity metrics check that values are honoring expected and usable formats, including common data entry errors.

MetricDescriptionColumn TypesThreshold Types
String length maxMaximum character lengthStringManual
String length minMinimum character lengthStringManual
String length meanAverage character lengthStringManual
String length standard deviationStandard deviation of character lengthStringManual
Integer (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is an integerStringManual & ML
Integer (count)Count of rows where the text value is an integerStringManual
Float (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a floating-point numberStringManual & ML
Not float (count)Count of rows where the text value is not a floating-point numberStringManual
UUID (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a UUID (e.g., b391e7d2-80e0-4749-8c60-c76031c43dfe). The comparison is case insensitive.StringManual & ML
Not UUID (count)Count of rows where the text value is not a UUID (e.g., b391e7d2-80e0-4749-8c60-c76031c43dfe). The comparison is case insensitive.StringManual
SSN (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is formatted as Social Security Number from the United States (e.g., 123-45-6789)StringManual & ML
Not SSN (count)Count of rows where the text value is not formatted as Social Security Number from the United States (e.g., 123-45-6789)StringManual
USA phone number (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a USA phone number (e.g., (123) 456-7890, +1 (123) 456-7890 etc)StringManual & ML
Not USA phone number (count)Count of rows where the text value is not a USA phone number (e.g., (123) 456-7890, +1 (123) 456-7890 etc)StringManual
USA state code (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a USA state code (e.g., TX)StringManual & ML
Not USA state code (count)Count of rows where the text value is not a USA state code (e.g., TX)StringManual
USA ZIP code (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is a USA ZIP code (e.g., 94109)StringManual & ML
Not USA ZIP code (count)Count of rows where the text value is not a USA ZIP code (e.g., 94109)StringManual
Email (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is an email address (e.g., [email protected])StringManual & ML
Not email (Count)Count of rows where the text value is not an email address (e.g., [email protected])StringManual
Timestamp (%)Percentage of rows where the text value is an ISO-8601 format date or timestamp (e.g., 2023-01-12 16:50:11.045746 +00:00, 2023-01-12T16:50:11Z)StringManual & ML
Not timestamp (count)Count of rows where the text value is not an ISO-8601 format date or timestamp (e.g., 2023-01-12 16:50:11.045746 +00:00, 2023-01-12T16:50:11Z)StringManual
In past (%)Percentage of rows where the value is a date or time occurring before the time when the metric is evaluated, with a granularity of seconds used for comparisonDateManual & ML
In past (count)Count of rows where the value is a date or time occurring before the time when the metric is evaluated, with a granularity of seconds used for comparisonDateManual
In future (%)Percentage of rows where the value is a date or time occurring after the time when the metric is evaluated, with a granularity of seconds used for comparisonDateManual & ML
In future (count)Count of rows where the value is a date or time occurring after the time when the metric is evaluated, with a granularity of seconds used for comparisonDateManual
Unix time 0 (%)Percentage of rows where the value is Unix time 0DateManual & ML
Unix time 0 (count)Count of rows where the value is Unix time 0DateManual