Incidents reporting on data operations dashboard
6 months ago
The data operations dashboard provides a look at team operational metrics:
- How quickly are we responding to alerts?
- How many incidents did we have and of what severity?
- How quickly are we resolving incidents?
The key changes around reporting on data operations are:
- Reporting on alerts marked as incidents rather than just alerts
- Drilling into dashboard content to see individual alerts and incidents
- Filtering an any grouping of alerts: Domains, Data products, Audiences, and Tags (monitor tags coming soon!)
- Ability to save custom dashboards based on filter sets you frequently visit
Learn more about metrics, filters, and saving dashboards in the Data operations (beta) documentation!
The data operations dashboard has replaced some of the content on the data reliability dashboard and the data reliability dashboard is being deprecated. Some of the content has moved to the Activity dashboard. If you have needs around deprecated content, please reach out here. This is a beta release.