Integration & Feature Lifecycles
Release Process
Monte Carlo's continuous deployment allows for rapid customer feedback and iterative deployments of new integrations, features, and bug fixes. With Monte Carlo's software-as-a-service customer updates and management are not necessary and updates are continuously released.
Notable new integrations, improvements, features, and bug fixes are detailed in the Change Log.
Release Phases
Private preview
Private preview serves as a pre-release test with limited availability before wider distribution. The primary goal of the this phase is to confirm functionality and collect feedback from a select group of users. Participation in private previews is usually by invitation and is subject to pre-general-availability terms. Releases may lack certain features, come without SLAs, and do not entail technical support obligations.
Public preview
In the public preview phase, integrations or features are made widely available for customer use. Public preview features are generally ready for most customer production use cases, are often publicly announced, and technical support is fully available. However, public previews may still have functional, technical, scale or other limitations that will be addressed as adoption grows. Breaking changes may be made by Monte Carlo.
As the wide variety of versions or deployment models of databases and other data tools can have minor effects on Monte Carlo's implementation, some integrations may stay in the public preview phase until Monte Carlo has sufficient customer-usage in a sufficiently broad variety of environments. The public preview phase does not mean that these integrations are unfit for production use with Monte Carlo.
General Availability (GA)
Integrations and features in the General Availability stage are accessible to all customers and covered by SLAs where applicable.
Updated 3 months ago