Insight: Heavy Queries


This insight is reported on a rolling 7 day window

Field Defintions

RESOURCE_ID: Unique ID given to the warehouse

CONNECTION_TYPE: The data warehouse type

QUERY_EXECUTOR: The account who executed the query

QUERY: A print of the query

LAST_RUNTIME : Timestamp of the last runtime

NUM_TIMES_RAN_LAST_7_DAYS : Number of runs in the last 7 days

TOTAL_BYTES_SCANNED_LAST_7_DAYS : Total bytes scanned in last 7 days


TOTAL_BYTES_SCANNED_LAST_7_DAYS is only available for BigQuery and Athena integrations.

TOTAL_RUNTIME_SEC_LAST_7_DAYS : Total runtime in seconds in the last 7 days


TOTAL_RUNTIME_SEC_LAST_7_DAYS is not available for BigQuery and Athena integrations.