Failure Notifications

There are a variety of reasons a custom monitor may fail to run, such as a query time-out, insufficient permissions, or a referenced table being deleted.

When creating a custom monitor, you have the option to be proactively notified when that monitor fails. To ensure that Failure Notifications for a monitor are on, go to the Send Notifications section of the monitor creation or edit page, and be sure the toggle is set to the right (purple).

This example is set to **off** (grey, toggle to left)

This example is set to off (grey, toggle to left)

If the monitor fails while this option is enabled, a failure notification will be sent to same destinations that an Incident notification would be sent to.

An example of a Failure Notification in Slack for a SQL Rule

An example of a Failure Notification in Slack for a SQL Rule

Additional details:

  • In September, 2023, the default setting for Failure Notifications for newly created monitors was changed from off to on
    • All monitors created through the Monte Carlo UI after September 21, 2023 have, by default, Failure Notifications set to on.
    • All monitors created through Monitors as Code after September 28, 2023 have, by default, Failure Notifications set to on unless it was specified off in the config.
  • Expect a latency of 2 to 10 minutes between when the monitor execution has failed, and when a notification will be sent.
  • Failure notifications are only sent for failures, but not for any types of misconfigurations.