Insight: BI Dashboard Analytics
This is only currently available for looker dashboards
Field Definitions
DASHBOARD_ID: Unique ID given to the dashboard
DASHBOARD_FOLDER : As defined externally
DASHBOARD_NAME : As defined externally
IMPORTANCE_SCORE: A score from 0-1 expressed as a decimal based on DAYS_SINCE_LAST_ACCESS, usage frequency and age
CONSIDER_DELETING: A true/false boolean where true = ('LAST_ACCESSED_AT' is null or >30 days) AND (DAYS_SINCE_CREATION is null or > 7)
DAYS_SINCE_LAST_ACCESS: Field displays ‘Never accessed’ or a count of days since LAST_ACCESSED_AT
LAST_ACCESSED_AT: The timestamp of last view of the dashboard.
AVG_DAILY_VIEWS_LAST_30_DAYS: The average daily views in the last 30 days
DAYS_SINCE_CREATION: Count of the days since the CREATED_TIME
CREATED_TIME: The timestamp the dashboard was created.
IS_SHARED_DASHBOARD: A true/false boolean
Updated over 1 year ago