Hive SQL (public preview)
This capability is in public preview
Certain limitations in functionality may exist.
To connect Monte Carlo to a Hive to run data health SQL queries, follow these steps:
- Create a Hive cluster for Monte Carlo's data health queries using AWS EMR. Alternatively, you may use an existing cluster that you already have in your environment.
- Ensure that Monte Carlo's data collector has network connectivity to the cluster (VPC peering is required in most cases).
- Create a service account on Hive if necessary.
- Provide service account credentials to Monte Carlo.
- To complete this guide, you will need permissions to create users on Hive (if authentication is enabled).
- Hive version must be 2.x.
Providing account credentials to Monte Carlo
You will provide connection details for Hive (SQL) using Monte Carlo's CLI:
- Please follow this guide to install and configure the CLI.
- Please use the command
montecarlo integrations add-hive
to set up Hive connectivity. For reference, see help for this command below:
$ montecarlo integrations add-hive --host --port 10000 --database default --auth-mode NOSASL --help
Usage: montecarlo integrations add-hive [OPTIONS]
Setup a Hive SQL integration. For health queries.
--host TEXT Hostname. [required]
--database TEXT Name of database.
--port INTEGER HTTP port. [default: 10000]
--user TEXT Username with access to hive. [required]
--auth-mode [SASL|NOSASL] Hive authentication mode. [default: SASL]
--name TEXT Friendly name of the warehouse which the
connection will belong to.
--collector-id UUID ID for the data collector. To disambiguate
accounts with multiple collectors.
--skip-validation Skip all connection tests. This option cannot be
used with 'validate-only'.
--validate-only Run connection tests without adding. This option
cannot be used with 'skip-validation'.
--auto-yes Skip any interactive approval.
--option-file FILE Read configuration from FILE.
--help Show this message and exit.
Updated 3 months ago