PII Filtering
Introduced in: CLI v0.39.0, pycarlo v0.4.0, Data Collector v13075
PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Filtering provides a way to filter sensitive data before it reaches Monte Carlo's servers.
Filtering is performed by redacting data upon collection by or submission to Monte Carlo. Our integrations will match private or sensitive data and replace them with a placeholder text indicating it was filtered.
How is data identified as sensitive?
Monte Carlo supports a set of standard rules defined through regular expressions to identify sensitive data; if a given rule is enabled for the account and there’s a text matching it, the matching fragment will be replaced by the following text “<filtered:filter_name>” where filter_name will be the rule name, for example "email_address".
How is data redacted?
Query Logs
Let’s suppose the following SQL Query was executed on your warehouse:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=‘[email protected]'
Monte Carlo shows that query under Query Logs for table “users”. If PII Filtering is enabled for your account and email_address rule is enabled, the Query Log in Monte Carlo will be displayed like this:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email=‘<filtered:email_address>’
This filter is applied inside the Data Collector component (that might be running in your infrastructure) which means sensitive data will never reach Monte Carlo infrastructure.
Field Values
The filters are also applied to values we collect in custom monitors. For example, if you have dimension tracking or field-health monitors on a field which contains content that matches the rule, we will redact it. The monitor will not work as intended, but the PII will be safeguarded.
Out of the Box PII Rules
The following rules are enabled by default, this means that if you enable PII Filtering for your account as described in the next section, all rules listed below will be applied to your data automatically:
- E-mail Address
- US Social Security Number
Please note you can use getPiiFilters query in the API to get the list of all rules in the system and if they are enabled or not for your account. Note: there is not currently a mechanism to extend out further rules -- please contact us to discuss options.
Failure Mode
Monte Carlo allows you to configure what happens if an error occurs during the data filtering process. If the data is sensitive, you might prefer to ignore it and leave data without being redacted or stop the data processing in the Data Collector.
This behavior is controlled by the Fail Mode setting that has two available values:
- OPEN (the default value): means data processing will not be aborted if there is an error during the PII Filtering process, an error message will be logged and the data processing will continue.
- CLOSE: means data processing will stop if an error occurs during the PII Filtering process, preventing data that couldn't be checked to leave the Data Collector.
Enabling PII Filtering
PII Filtering can be enabled in two ways:
You can use Monte Carlo CLI to enable PII Filtering for your account with the following command:
montecarlo management configure-pii-filtering --enable
You can also use CLI to change the value for the Fail Mode setting:
montecarlo management configure-pii-filtering --enable --fail-mode CLOSE
And you can check your PII Filtering settings with the get-pii-preferences option:
montecarlo management get-pii-preferences
Additionally, you can use Monte Carlo API for enabling/disabling PII Filtering for your account, through the updatePiiFilteringPreferences mutation like in the following example:
mutation set_pii_prefs {
updatePiiFilteringPreferences(enabled:true, failMode:CLOSE) {
"data": {
"updatePiiFilteringPreferences": {
"success": true
Enabling/Disabling individual PII Rules
As mentioned before, when PII Filtering is enabled for an account all rules enabled by default will be enabled for the account, this can be tweaked later by enabling/disabling PII Rules individually.
This can be performed using the API through the setPiiFilterStatus mutation passing a list of PiiFilterStatusPair objects.
The following example enables the filtering for e-mail addresses (email_address rule) and disables it for Social Security Numbers (us_ssn rule):
mutation set_pii_filters {
setPiiFilterStatus(piiFilterStatusPairs: [
filterName: "email_address",
enabled: true
filterName: "us_ssn",
enabled: false
"data": {
"setPiiFilterStatus": {
"success": true
You can also use the API to get the filtering preferences:
query getPiiFilteringPreferences {
getPiiFilteringPreferences {
"data": {
"getPiiFilteringPreferences": {
"enabled": true,
"failMode": "CLOSE"
and the status for each filter:
query getPiiFilters {
getPiiFilters {
"data": {
"getPiiFilters": [
"name": "us_ssn",
"pattern": "\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}",
"enabled": false
"name": "email_address",
"pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+",
"enabled": true
Updated over 1 year ago