Monte Carlo's CLI. Reference Guide

This guide explains the basic usage of Monte Carlo's CLI.

You can find the CLI reference guide (documentation on all commands, options, and arguments) here.


The CLI requires Python 3.8 or greater.

Installing or updating the CLI

To install or update the CLI, please run:

pip install -U montecarlodata

Then, verify the installation using:

montecarlo --version

Setting up the CLI

To configure your CLI with your API key and other settings, please run:

montecarlo configure

You will then be prompted to add your Monte Carlo API key and secret information.



You are only able to see the Secret once! Save that in a safe place.

You can generate a personal key here or a service account key here by selecting "CREATE KEY". Choose the option you are comfortable with, and then click "CREATE". Then, input these details into the command above.

Personal key creation example

Personal key creation example

After configuring you can validate your connection with:

montecarlo validate


Documentation for commands, options, and arguments can be found here.

Otherwise, to get high-level help, please run:

montecarlo --help

Similarly, you can get help for a specific set of commands:

montecarlo integrations --help

To retrieve documentation (help text) on all commands, subcommands and options:

montecarlo help

As an example, this is how you would list all active integrations:

montecarlo integrations list

See here for additional details and examples.