
Monte Carlo's framework for Notifications makes it easy to send the right alerts to a broad variety of different recipients, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, Email, PagerDuty, Webex, OpsGenie, Jira, ServiceNow, and webhooks.


To send notifications, first create an audience. An audience is a named group of one or more recipients. For example, an audience could include just a single Slack channel. Or it could include two Slack channels, five email addresses, a Microsoft Teams channel, and a PagerDuty routing key.

Audiences can either be created from within Settings > Notifications, or from the Send Notifications section of custom monitor creation. They can be easily edited to add, remove, or change recipients.

The modal to create a new audience from within creating a custom monitor.

The modal to create a new audience from within creating a custom monitor.

Adding notifications to an audience

Once an audience is created, it can either be added directly to custom monitors, or you can create Notification Settings for it. Click the + button in the Other notifications column in the Notifications tab to add a Notification Setting for that audience.

A Notification Setting includes options to send notifications from any of Monte Carlo's out-of-the-box monitors, dbt and Airflow failures, and daily digests.

`+` button to create a Notification Setting

+ button to create a Notification Setting

Notification Setting form, allowing configurations for Monte Carlo's out-of-the-box monitors, dbt and Airflow failures, and daily digests

Notification Setting form, allowing configurations for Monte Carlo's out-of-the-box monitors, dbt and Airflow failures, and daily digests

Viewing all your audiences

You can view all your audiences, and their custom monitors and other notification settings, in Settings > Notifications. But clicking on any of the numbers in the Custom monitors or Other notifications columns, you can see details of the associated monitors and notification configurations.


To create and manage new notifications, you should use the Audiences API.

Here's a simplified guide:

Create or Update Audiences:

Configure Audience Routing Rules: