Network Connectivity to Resources


Updated IPs

For all accounts created after April 24th, 2024 the Monte Carlo platform will generally use the following IP addresses to connect to your integration (cloud-only), agent (GCP and Azure), and/or object store:


Please be sure to allowlist both as requests from the Monte Carlo Platform* can originate from either one. If your account was created before this date, please reach out to your Monte Carlo representative.

*If you are leveraging a Customer-hosted Agent these are not the same as the IP addresses that the agent will use to connect to your resource. See "Egress" FAQs per platform for more details and options to constraint outbound access.

This guide details securely connecting resources like databases, BI tools, and more to Monte Carlo's data observability service. This guide is applicable to the Cloud Deployment and Object Storage Deployment models. If you are leveraging the Agent & Object Storage Deployment, please review those specific guides.

Public Cloud Resources

The following integrations are typically publicly accessible SaaS resources, and should be directly available to connect to Monte Carlo. No other steps are typically required, but you can test connectivity directly in the Monte Carlo UI.

  • BigQuery
    • If you govern access to BigQuery using VPC Service Controls or Google Cloud Private Service Connect, please reach out to your Monte Carlo representative to get an IP address you can allowlist.
  • Snowflake
    • If you govern access to Snowflake via Snowflake network policies), Snowflake AWS PrivateLink, Azure Private Link, or Google Cloud Private Service Connect, please reach out to your Monte Carlo representative to get an IP address you can allowlist.
  • Databricks
    • If you govern access to Databricks via Snowflake AWS PrivateLink, Azure Private Link, or Google Cloud Private Service Connect, please reach out to your Monte Carlo representative to get an IP address you can allowlist.
  • Pinecone
  • Looker (SaaS)
  • Tableau (Tableau Cloud)
  • Power BI
  • dbt Cloud
  • Fivetran

Private Cloud Resources

The following integrations are often not publicly accessible and may require IP Allowlisting Monte Carlo's service to reach. Please reach out to your Monte Carlo representative to get an IP address you can allowlist for these resources.

Push-based Integrations

The following integrations are not accessed by the Monte Carlo service and only push egress traffic to Monte Carlo. If you have restrictive egress rules (uncommon), you may need to allow egress traffic on these resources, but otherwise no changes should be necessary.

The following integrations are accessed via other integrations Query Logs in your data warehouse. No additional access needs to be allowed.