This document provides references to create or update the different type of monitors.

Please note that the sample queries below only show a subset of the fields available for brevity. You can use introspection to see all available fields.


Adding Monitors Using the API vs Monitors as Code

This page is for setting up monitors using our API. If you are interesting in setting up monitors in a large environment using code, please see: Monitors as Code

Create or update monitors

Each monitor type is created or updated by calling a different GraphQL operation.

Below you can find some examples for Metric and Custom SQL monitors.


Create vs Update

Please note the only difference between making a new monitor and updating one is providing the monitor uuid in the API call.

Create or Update Metric Monitors

Metric monitors can be updated via the API. Use cases include updating the description, changing the monitor interval or schedule, and modifying the monitor alert conditions


Bootstrapped Data

Please be aware that during the initial creation of Metric Monitors, Monte Carlo will attempt to backfill backfill a year's worth of metric history. We do this to generate a threshold more quickly. In order to minimize strain on your resources, there is a safeguard so that no more than 4 backfills are being run at any given time. After the initial collection, the monitors default to running one query twice a day.

mutation createOrUpdateMetricMonitor {
    description: "Metric monitor for Row count on <table>"
    dwId: "<WAREHOUSE UUID>"
    dataSource: { type: TABLE, mcon: "<TABLE MCON>" }
    aggregate: {
      timeAxis: {
        field: "created_time"
        type: FIELD
      by: DAY
    collectionLagHours: 0
    scheduleConfig: {
      scheduleType: FIXED
      intervalMinutes: 1440
      startTime: "2024-11-27T01:00:00.000Z"
    alertConditions: [
        type: "threshold",
        operator: "AUTO",
        metric: "ROW_COUNT_CHANGE",
        fields: []
      createdBy { email }
  "data": {
    "createOrUpdateMetricMonitor": {
      "metricMonitor": {
        "uuid": "932615cd-3296-45b8-8760-3cc618a57375",
        "createdBy": {
          "email": "[email protected]"


Return uuid

It's important to return the uuid in the above command! If you need to update or change your rule, this is the id you will need to rerun this command.

Create or Update Custom SQL Monitors

Custom SQL monitors can be updated via the API. Use cases include updating the description, changing the monitor interval or schedule, and modifying the monitor alert conditions.

mutation createOrUpdateCustomSqlRule {
    description: "No error rows in table"
    dwId: "<WAREHOUSE UUID>"
    sql: "SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <field> = 'error'"       
    scheduleConfig: {
      scheduleType: FIXED
      intervalMinutes: 1440
      startTime: "2024-11-27T01:00:00.000Z"
    alertCondition: {
      type: THRESHOLD,
      operator: GT,
      threshold: 0
  ) {
    customRule {
  "data": {
    "createOrUpdateCustomSqlRule": {
      "customRule": {
        "uuid": "d312568e-0651-4838-bac5-e3dd640ea911",
        "creatorId": "[email protected]"


Return uuid

It's important to return the uuid in the above command! If you need to update or change your rule, this is the id you will need to rerun this command.

Listing Custom SQL Monitors

If you would like to view a Custom SQL monitor after the fact, you can always run the following query with the uuid that was returned from the create mutation:

query {
    ruleId: "<rule_uuid>"
  ) {
    comparisons {
  "data": {
    "getCustomRule": {
      "intervalMinutes": 1440,
      "comparisons": [
          "comparisonType": "THRESHOLD",
          "metric": "custom_metric_<rule_uuid>",
          "operator": "GT",
          "threshold": 0
      "description": "Sample description",
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "startTime": "2021-06-30T19:00:00+00:00",
      "customSql": "<sql_query>"

If you are updating an existing SQL rule, you can find a list of your existing rule uuids by running:

query {
  getCustomRules (
    first: 5
    ruleType: "CUSTOM_SQL"
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
        scheduleConfig {
  "errors": <There might be some errors here. For the most part, you can ignore!>,
  "data": {
    "getCustomRules": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "uuid": "<this is the uuid you are looking for>",
            "creatorId": "<email>",
            "createdTime": "2021-06-29T20:01:22.427007+00:00",
            "description": "Sample Description",
            "isDeleted": false,
            "entities": [
            "scheduleConfig": {
              "intervalMinutes": 1440,
              "startTime": "2021-06-30T19:00:00+00:00"

This query accepts the following arguments to narrow in on the rule you are looking for: before, after, first, last, and ruleType. Once you have found the necessary uuid, you can follow step 2 above to update it by adding the uuid argument in the call.